Our accreditation visit is over and although we will not have the final report for about 4 months, I do believe it went very well and we can expect some good recommendations for improvement and growth. I do want to share an overwhelming feeling from the team of educators. "THEY LOVE YOUR KIDS!" They could not say enough about your children. I am not surprised by that as I see what they saw everyday. You have done, and are doing, a wonderful job with your children. I hope, as a school, with our Core Values of Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Perseverance and Kindness we support your efforts when we are entrusted with your children on a daily basis. I was VERY proud to hear such nice things about our students. The visit is over but the work of improvement continues. Thank you all for your support through the process.
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Our accreditation visit is over and although we will not have the final report for about 4 months, I do believe it went very well and we can expect some good recommendations for improvement and growth. I do want to share an overwhelming feeling from the team of educators. "THEY LOVE YOUR KIDS!" They could not say enough about your children. I am not surprised by that as I see what they saw everyday. You have done, and are doing, a wonderful job with your children. I hope, as a school, with our Core Values of Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Perseverance and Kindness we support your efforts when we are entrusted with your children on a daily basis. I was VERY proud to hear such nice things about our students. The visit is over but the work of improvement continues. Thank you all for your support through the process.