It is so hard to believe we are almost over the Winter. This year is flying by. I want to share some of the recent happenings at EWGSH.
The following students were inducted into the National Honor Society on February 27, 2017.
Hailee Ascenio Gabriella Lamoureaux
Sarah Breshy Chase Lesinski
Daniel Butler, Jr. Rachel Lesinski
Megan Capwell Connor McGrane
Nicholas Cardolino Ryan McKenna
Matthew Carley Samuel Pagliarini
Andrew Catanzaro Nicholas Petrarca
Jaelyn Chaffee Madeline Quigley
Meagan Connelly Emma Shroeder
Joseph Coutcher Mia Speciale
Samantha Gowdey Erin Stewart
Lacey Griffin Sophia Szabo
Elijah Hemphill Sarah Titus
Brooke Hopper Myranda Waller
Nolan Johnson Abigail Weber
Cole Lagasse Thomas Willson
Aubrey Zuercher
Unified basketball will be beginning at the high school. Their first
game is Wednesday, 3/8 at 3:30 in our gymnasium. Come see a game that will warm your hearts and bring a smile to your face. Go Knights!!