As we wind down to a time for everyone to spend with family and loved ones, let me share some highlights of some of our upcoming events and recent happenings.
Our Drama group will be
performing the production
"Clues" on December 1 - 4
in the auditorium. Clues: An Interactive Murder Mystery
Join a zany cast of colorful character for a dinner party where the main course is motive for murder. Our audience will help solve who done it in this hilarious Clue inspired show. For tickets and more info please visit www.ewgdrama.com It is sure to be a sell out. Check it out!!
Spirit week was fun for the students and a great deal of work for our Student Council and Maddie Quigley, SC President. They did a great job planning a fun filled Pep Rally. Below are just a few pictures of the fun that took place.
The homecoming dance was also a great success with over 300 students attending. Our homecoming court is pictured below.
EWG is so proud to have a new chapter of Best Buddies. Best Buddies International is a nonprofit organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). The executive board is pictured below. They hosted a great meet and greet party for the new buddies right in our school cafeteria.
We are always sad to see our fall sports end. For our seniors it is always and emotional time. Above are the four seniors of the Girl's Volleyball Team. We congratulate all the seniors from our fall sports!!
Winter sports here we come!!
Red Ribbon Week is an alcohol, tobacco, and other drug and violence prevention awareness campaign observed annually in October in the United States. EWG recently participated as you can see by the Red Ribbon Wall outside our cafeteria.
New Look to report cards:
The first quarter has closed and the teachers are in the process of posting their grades and providing feedback for the report cards. As a way to provide as much feedback on your students actual progress in their course, the reporting will now look a little different. Please let me try to explain. (This is also more detailed in our district's Grading for Learning Policy #7800)
First, they will receive a traditional grade which is based on performance according to the standards for that class. This is just the typical numerical grade.
Second, they will receive a performance score. These scores are to give you feedback on their level of performance at the time of the rating and not compared to end of course benchmarks.
Third, they may receive content comments. These are provided to help students and parents to understand the student's strengths and weaknesses. They are not required and some teachers may feel you have seen their comments throughout the marking period.
Fourth, they may receive Lerner Quality comments. These give feedback on the qualities that are not really heavily valued in the traditional grade, but are important traits for success as students.
All in all, the new grading and report card is new for our teachers too. As always, they go out of their way to try to make new things work if it means trying to help you see a clear picture of your students progress. But, it is still a new process for them too. We will reflect upon the report cards at the end of the year to see if any improvements should be made.
District news from our Superintendent:
In addition to the move to full-day kindergarten, our district has experienced a dramatic increase in enrollment at the elementary level over the past few years. As a result, we have been monitoring enrollment trends and our school's space capacity. We are currently in the process of reviewing our needs and exploring potential changes to the grade structure at each of our schools, including the possible (probable) move of grade two to Metcalf Elementary School and the possible move of grade 6 to the Junior High School. Including grade six as part of our middle school (JHS) also has significant programmatic benefits. These changes may be implemented as early as next school year. Stay tuned for further details on our progress, and watch for surveys as we work to gather information from parents to assist us with our planning.
Save the Date:
Attention: EWG Parents and Community - The Partnership With Parents Program is hosting the nationally acclaimed documentary entitled, “SCREENAGERS”. This is a true story about a family who learned about the complex world of social media with their 13 year old daughter and how best to keep her safe and well balanced. An open discussion will follow the presentation. Check it out on www.screenagersmovie.com Please join us on Tue., Dec. 6, 2016 from 6pm - 8pm in the EWG Junior/Senior Library. Any questions, contact Catherine Murray, Middle School Counselor at 397-6898 x 219 or catherine_murray@ewg.k12.ri.us
District news from our Superintendent:
In addition to the move to full-day kindergarten, our district has experienced a dramatic increase in enrollment at the elementary level over the past few years. As a result, we have been monitoring enrollment trends and our school's space capacity. We are currently in the process of reviewing our needs and exploring potential changes to the grade structure at each of our schools, including the possible (probable) move of grade two to Metcalf Elementary School and the possible move of grade 6 to the Junior High School. Including grade six as part of our middle school (JHS) also has significant programmatic benefits. These changes may be implemented as early as next school year. Stay tuned for further details on our progress, and watch for surveys as we work to gather information from parents to assist us with our planning.
I hope you have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!!