Some of our students took a trip to the RI Convention Center this past Friday (10/14) to see Body Worlds Vital. Art and Science came together to see this very interesting exhibition. According to the teacher, the students were incredible- prepared, polite, and enthusiastic. Their maturity and curiosity set them apart from the other two school groups there. They mingled with other viewers, and even answered questions posed by other schools' kids.
Parent conferences are this Thursday 10/20 from 6-8 and Friday 10/21 from 7:30 -11:15. Please reach out to the teachers if you have not received an appointment.
**there will be a few groups holding fundraisers in the foyer during conferences. As always, they appreciate your support.
Spirit week is next week!! The order of days is as follows:
Monday is "Merica" day - students wear their red, white and blue
Tuesday is character/hat day
Wednesday is PJ day
Thursday is twin day
Friday is spirit day
*please note - face/body paint is not allowed. Colored face tape works great!! Tuesday is the only day hats are allowed. On all days, faces need to be seen and recognizable. There are no masks allowed.
Registration for Spring 2017 Courses in the Advanced Coursework Network is now open. I am excited to announce they have moved to an online system at ride.gosignmeup.com. Students who visit www.ride.ri.gov/ advancedcoursework will be directed to this site when they choose the Spring 2017 registration tab. Both sites include a short video for students to review to get acquainted with the registration process should they need help.
Enjoy the beautiful week!