Earlier this year Mr. Walsh, an English teacher at the high school applied for and received a grant from the Lindsay Burke Foundation on running a Clothesline Project in the building. The purpose of the Clothesline Project is to promote awareness of dating violence among teenagers. The students in his English 10 class are working on a service learning project on promoting school-wide awareness on this issue. This project also supports the work our faculty is doing on building a culture of respect in the building.
Some of the related project work is described below:
Respect t-shirts hung on clotheslines in foyer -
Pledge banner-- students will pledge to show respect to others, themselves, etc during lunch by signing a large red banner. The banner will eventually be displayed somewhere in the school.
Sidewalk chalk-- Students will use sidewalk chalk to display facts, quotes, messages, (or even hashtags) that promote respect.
List of Teen Dating Violence Facts-- Advisers will distribute a packet of dating violence facts to their students.
Paper/online newsletters-- One group will be creating an online newsletter that will be mailed to faculty and students. Another group will be creating a (different) paper newsletter that will be available to the school community.
Respect Easels in the Foyer--A group of students will be setting up easels in the main foyer. On the easels will be a posters with an area for each grade level. Students will write down their name and one way they can promote a culture of kindness in the school.
AM/PM Announcements--One group will share an interesting fact/story during AM or PM announcements.
What a great project!! I have been able to observe many of the students working on their specific pieces and it is so impressive.
Hats off to Mr. Walsh!!
While visiting classrooms this week I came across Mrs. Brennan's Creative Writing class. Seeing and hearing the work the students were doing was so impressive and speaks volumes to the quality education our students receive at EWG. I can certainly understand why our students historically do so well on state assessments. They are well prepared and supported for assessments and their post secondary work as a result of the preparation at EWG.
This Saturday evening (3/5/16) plan on heading over to the West Warwick Ice Rink at 7:30 PM for Senior Night for our hockey team. They will be heading into the playoffs soon. Stay tuned to @ewghigh on twitter for more information.
Thursday evening is Parent Conferences. Have your children make appointments if you would like to see their teachers.
We have a great fundraiser going on at the High School. We have partnered with Airbac to help our students with their HEAVY load of books and supplies and have it benefit everyone. If you will be purchasing a new backpack for your students, consider going to
www.airbac.com and check out the amazing backpacks we have had tested. They are amazing and really do work. If you use the code
ewg, you will save 10% and they make a donation to us. We would love the support and you will love the results our tester told us are "simply amazing."
We will be showing the following brief video in our advisories in the near future. It is very powerful and sends a very clear message regarding the dangers of drugs that can be purchased on the internet. Please feel free to check it out. It is a great video to discuss with your teen.
Think Spring!!