Friday, October 23, 2015

Senior Days have  already begun for our fall sports. Yesterday was Boys Soccer and today it is all about the girls at 3:30.

Save the Date:
  November 18, 2015 - We will be having an informational night for parents. A panel of experts will be speaking to parents about many of the trends we are seeing with our young people in way of risky behaviors.

Did you know this about the new "e-cigarettes?

In the spotlight:  Our "new to EWG" teacher, Mrs. Hartley has joined the "share with a colleague" movement. During a recent faculty professional development session, she brushed up the staff on some instructional strategies she uses in her classroom. There are some great "experts" at EWGSH, she is one of them.

If you want to see a sample of some of the exciting things happening in our library/media center, just click on the link:

Congratulations to members of EWG math team for successfully navigating
through the highly competitive math competition on 10/21/2015. 
The team members participating were:
Mitchell Ambrosino  (high score of 5)  Senior
Jael Matteson  Senior
Lacey Griffin Sophomore
Ryan Booth Sophomore
Avery Daigle Freshman
Scott Mitchell  Freshman
Daniel Butler  Sophmore

Next meet is December 2,

Spooktakular is here: Come see the amazing work of our students tonight at the high school. It is open until 6PM.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Good Afternoon,
  It has been a busy couple of weeks. Spirit week was last week and the students had a great time in spite of the weather. Noah Jussila and the student council planned a fun filled week that ended with a great Spirit day pep rally It really was a fun time for all with the senior class
showing just that, "CLASS."  The pictures are of our senior class tug of war team and of the Homecoming Dance last Friday night.
  The Homecoming dance was also well attended and super fun for all.
  Although the football team lost their Homecoming game, we are still so proud of all their effort and hard work and we look forward to a win this Saturday, 10/10 at home at 2 PM.
  Parent conferences are Thursday 10/8 from 6-8 PM and Friday, 10/9 until 11 AM. There is no school for the students on Friday or Monday so I hope they, and you, have a really restful long weekend.
  I am looking for new members for our School Improvement Team. If you are interested, we are meeting next Wednesday, 10/14 in the School Library.  Our Chairperson, Mrs. D'Andrea is very good at keeping it on time. It is from 6-7PM. Feel free to stop by and join.
  As always, feel free to call me anytime you have any concerns or questions.